1960年代 アメリカンドリームを夢見るテイーンエイジャーのソロモン。音楽が彼の運命を変える。コーヒー&ノベルの連載11回目。


第1章 ビートルズがやってくる



父親の指示通り コカ・コーラの販売に力を入れようとその場では考え直した。





この時代 音楽を聴く主流はシングル盤であり、街の至るところにジュークボックスが置いてあった。

次がラジオ 街のFMステーションから届く音楽はまさに時代の最先端の音楽を世界中に届ける、その想像は会ったことのない憧れミュージシャンを身近に感じさせてくれた。

そのミュージシャンも ラジオ局で自分の音楽がかかることを前提にシングル盤を作っていた。

three-minute pop songsの代表がビートルズだった。

それらは〈three-minute pop songs〉と呼ばれラジオでオン・エアされるためのもので いわゆるRadio Editのヴァージョンは演奏時間が短い。


そんなthree-minute pop songsの代表がビートルズだった。

That night, I didn't go against what my father told me because I cared about him.
At that point, he decided to follow his father's instructions and focus on selling Coca-Cola.
But when I go to bed, the record store daydream comes back to mind.
It's not like we're going to turn the entire store into a record shop.
The small corner was enough for me, so I went to sleep wondering if I could somehow persuade him. It was like that every day.
On my way to the delivery, I took a detour to a department store record shop in downtown, where dazzling new releases were beautifully displayed.

At this time, the mainstream way of listening to music was single discs, and jukeboxes were located all over the city. Next up is the radio.The music that comes from the FM station in town delivers cutting-edge music of the time to the world, and the idea made me feel closer to the musicians I admired, even though I had never met them before.

The musician also made a single with the premise that his music would be played on radio stations.

These are called ``three-minute pop songs'' and are meant to be aired on the radio, and the so-called Radio Edit versions have a short playing time. It was a song cut for a single.

The Beatles were the representative of such three-minute pop songs.