1960年代 アメリカンドリームを夢見るテイーンエイジャーのソロモン。音楽が彼の運命を変える。コーヒー&ノベルの連載9回目。


第1章 ビートルズがやってくる

それまでのレコードショップと言えば クラシックやカントリーを含む民族音楽が主流でボクたちのような若い連中が足蹴く通うような店はほとんどなかった。それがビートルズの出現で街のデパート売り場ができた。

それでもやはり敷居は高く “よそ行き”でない洋服を着ている者には行き辛い存在だったのだ。







父親だって 売上に貢献できるかもしれないいいアイデアだと思ってくれるに違いない。

売上がそこそこ良くて、父親の機嫌のいい週末の夜 ボクは父親に話しかけた

「父さん 店でレコードを売りたいんだ」

この一言が ボクの人生を変えることになるんだけど、この時はまだ、全くそんなことは想像もしていない。

Up until then, record shops were dominated by folk music, including classical and country music, and there were hardly any stores that young people like me would frequent. Then, with the advent of the Beatles, a department store section was created in the city.

Even so, the barrier to entry was still high, and it was difficult for those who wore clothes that were not suitable for outsiders to enter.

The drugstore run by his father was the town's social gathering place, an oasis where young people gathered.

You could meet friends there, and there was always a radio DJ playing trendy songs.

I loved drugstores, so when I graduated from high school, I started working at my father's store without hesitation.

Her father also appreciates her work performance to some extent.

That's right, even though it's a family business, while my classmates around me went on to university or tried to find cooler jobs, I was working at my family's drugstore and complaining.

I'm sure my father will think it's a good idea that could contribute to sales.

On a weekend night when sales were reasonably good and my father was in a good mood, I talked to him.

"Dad, I want to sell records at the store."