1960年代 アメリカンドリームを夢見るテイーンエイジャーのソロモン。音楽が彼の運命を変える。コーヒー&ノベルの連載4回目。


第1章 ビートルズがやってくる


Beatles ビートルズ/エド・サリバン・ショーの全て ED Sullivan Show Utility Collection


もちろん ボクもこのエド・サリバンショウをテレビで観て感動感激歓喜していた。



ここは西海岸 サクラメント。サンフランシスコ州の街の一つにボクは生まれた。

I was born in Sacurament

サクラメント鉄道Sacramento Valley Railroad の終着駅の北側にはオールドサクラメントと呼ばれるダウンタウンがあり、1849年のカリフォルニア金鉱発見から始まったゴールドラッシュ以降アメリカを代表する大都市へと発展した街だ。

Gold RUSH  魂のシャベルで金を掘り起こせ!

父親はそのゴールドラッシュ Gold Rush 時代の再現を、自分の生きている間に再び起こしたいと、この街でドラッグストアを今から3年前に開業した。


Of course, I was also very moved and overjoyed when I watched the Ed Sullivan Show on TV.

The Beatles' mushroom cut was so cool that from that day on, my hairstyle continued to aim for long hair, and I just kept growing it carelessly. My father had no hair in his frontal lobe, so he was bald, so he must have thought that my long hair was undesirable, but from my father's point of view, as a son, I too would be bald due to genetics, so it's only for now. Perhaps out of a desire to let her do whatever she wanted, she didn't complain about her hairstyle.

Because of my extremely curly hair, I couldn't get long, straight hair, and my hair tangled in all directions, which was extremely unpopular with my regular wives. It was my first form of self-expression.

This is Sacramento on the west coast. I was born in one of the cities in San Francisco.
North of the terminal station of the Sacramento Valley Railroad, there is a downtown called Old Sacramento, which developed into one of America's leading metropolises after the gold rush that began with the discovery of California gold in 1849.

His father opened a drugstore in this town three years ago, hoping to recreate the gold rush era during his lifetime.

My father is proud of his frontier spirit. He was a typical American entrepreneur in the 1950s who believed in the American dream and was trying to dig for gold with his own shovel.